Brian Azevedo
1 min readSep 10, 2021


I agree with your article as well as the general tenor of the responses.

Now, I'm not British, and I thank my lucky stars as you lot are the only "developed" country that seems to be worse-governed than my home country.

A major problem that exists in the UK (also similar to the US) is the corporate-domminated media that continually trafficks in false choices and outright lies.

Case in point: Jeremy Corbyn got kneecapped not so much by the Sun and that lot (that's to be expected) but by the so-called left press, such as the Guardian. The "anti-semitism" crusade was a canard which was designed to kneecap Corbyn and the Labour left. Now, as bad as Johnson is, you have a Labour which is only barely matching them in the polls. That's probably not good enough to prevail in a general election, given the rotten-ness so many Parliamentary boroughs, erm, "constituencies." (this is something else your cousins this side of the Atlantic share with the UK)

Keith Starmer is a dead-end. What "remains" for the UK is for an independent Scotland to break away and rejoin the EU. God help the rest of Britain.

